Our job gets us in the middle of delicate natural environment with threatened species. Then, we will tell you about otter, toad, bat...
Bonelli's Eagle: Only two to three pairs in the Gorges de l'Ardèche share cliffs and scrubland for no more than thirty pairs in France. That is to say if this species is threatened!! very difficult to see while he can follow you with his gaze for miles thanks to a vision eight times greater than that of a man...
Eagle of medium wingspan, about 160 cm, recognizable, seen from below, by its white body with more or less marked dark streaks. The top of the body contrasts with a dark brown. Bonelli's Eagle expresses loud and repeated "kyak" but also "iuuuh" of high pitch. Rabbits, snakes, birds, lizards and small mammals are its favorite prey.
With GEO some dates we will not be able to take you on the Via Cordata d'Endieu.
The Otter: In the 1970s, there was a very low presence of the Otter in the Ardèche. Since then it has recolonized the entire course of the Ardèche, the Borne and smaller Cévenol tributaries such as the Lignon and the Bourge... it measures more or less 1 meter and has a long muscular tail. Morphology adapted to semi-aquatic life with a slender body, webbed feet, dense coat, nostrils and ears fitted with shutters when diving, the lens capable of adapting either to the air or to the water. Fish, molluscs, crustaceans, amphibians, small mammals and birds are its prey. It is likely to breed and give birth all year round, although spring and summer will be more favorable. Easier to observe at night, the otter dives for less than a minute and on the surface its movement is lively.
With GEOon, you will find your leftover meals during the canyoning descent of the Gourgas.
Murine and Horseshoe Bat: endangered mammals!! Among the 24 species present in Ardèche, the Capaccini's mouse-eared bat and the Euryal horseshoe bat are the most represented. the high density of caves, streams, forest and scrubland are very favorable to bats. Devourers of nocturnal insects, they play a major role in the regulation of insect populations. Sensitive to disturbance, especially during the winter period, we strive to avoid certain caves during this same period. We will certainly find it during our underground escapades, so inevitably we will take all possible protective measures.
Yellow-bellied Ringer: This discreet and not necessarily attractive toad with its skin bristling with pustules has the distinction of having a heart-shaped iris and a yellow and black design on its belly. Earthy puddles, small ponds near rivers are its habitats in Ardèche.
During the canyoning descent of the Gourgas, your guide will show you one of these batrachians always with the maximum of precautions!